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“interprester-in-go” or InterinGo (for short) is a new interpreter language, come with LSP and highlighter for neovim. It can be run in 3 mode

  • REPL mode: Which stand for read-evaluation-print-loop, similar to python
  • File mode: Execute code as input from file
  • Server mode: Which have a pretty UI for REPL on a HTTP Server


To challenge my knowledge with go language and advanced (interpreter) concept. I also set up a http server to public InterinGo interpreter, that you can access evaluating the language right now.



  • templ for html template
  • tailwind.css for styling
  • htmxfor server REPL API access
  • javascript for some dynamic UI rendering


  • golang standard library for http-request/server handling
  • readline for CLI

How to use

Build the program and get ./interingo file executable or download Released binary. You can run ./interingo -h to get help on runner flag directly (for TLDR folks). You can also using my Dockerfile setup, which will pull and build the code too

sudo docker run -it --entrypoint="interingo" interingo

REPL mode

Running ./interingo executable normaly


And you should have been welcome with this

$ ./interingo
Hello <username>! This is the InterinGo programming language!
Type `help()` in commands for common guide

File mode

This have the highest piority, so don’t expect server, or REPL running

Running ./interingo executable with -f flag.

./interingo -f <file-location>

Unknow what to do yet, use test code in ‘test/’ directory as your start point. Every file contain comment for expected output in the top to make sure you don’t get lost

./interingo -f test/return-01.iig

Server mode

As expected, who know what you got if they can’t just test it directly on the browser

Running ./interingo executable with -s flag

./interingo -s

You can also specify listen address with -l flag or it will default to

./interingo -s -l

Verbose output

Tell more infomation about Lexer, Parse, Evaluation process via REPL output

Start with the -v flag

$ ./interingo -v

Or using toggleVerbose()command in InterinGo REPL to enable/disable it

$ ./interingo
>> toggleVerbose()

The “interprester-in-go” language syntax:

You can go to server/docs/ or read live docs website

Build - Minimal REPL build



  • Install go version manager gvm

    sudo apt-get install bison
    bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
  • cd usually not working, so better just delete it.

    vi ~/.gvm/scripts/gvm-default
    # Delete the last line of `gvm-default` file - Which change cd functionality
  • Install latest (currently at v1.22.0) version from binary file and set it as default

    gvm install go1.22.0 -B
    gvm use go1.22.0 --default


To make build process simplier who, the project still contain the build file of templ and tailwindcss. Read more on how to build the front-end in SERVER.md file

Build the code with

go build .


Test all module with

go test ./...

Build - Full build with Server front-end

All server source file is in /server/ directory, which need special handle for templ files - containing frontend code. This require extra build tool and generating code step. Makefile is add to help handle these process


Install go-lang latest version, currently go 1.22.0

gvm install go1.22.0 -B
gvm use go1.22.0 -default

Install templ tools, learn more in templ.guide. Make sure to setup go/bin into your environment.

go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin"

In case that you using Neovim with Mason, you can install templ directly from there (LSP templ). You will need setup mason bin to PATH instead

> $ which templ
> /home/username/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/templ
> #    ^^^^^^^^^ change this to your username
> ```

Download latest `tailwind` CLI standalone tool from their [github](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/releases/) and put it in to `PATH`. This should be add in `.profile` file

wget https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/releases/latest/download/tailwindcss-linux-x64
cp tailwindcss-linux-x64 ~/.local/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

Install cmake

apt-get -y install make

Using Make tools


I setup Makefile to handle CLI operation, use make build-run to rebuild and start the server

  • make or make all or make help: Show all option command
  • make build: Build/Rebuild templ template files and generating tailwindcss stylesheet
  • make run: Run built the server
  • make build-run: Do both



Dev mode

Golang doesn’t have watch mode, but templ and tailwindcss have it

  • make tailwind-watch: Tailwind watch mode - Auto rebuild when files change
  • make templ-watch: Templ watch mode - Auto rebuild when files change
  • go run . -s or make go-run: Run the server without build

Build - LSP, Highlight

Docker ready neovim with full configuration is here

sudo docker build -t interingo .
sudo docker run -it interingo

LSP and Treesitter highlight can be overkill as it per need specific text editor configuration (some even need specific plugin/extension configuration). Currently, I only setup a Neovim config as Local, as provide them as a fully working component with one click install seem like an overkill. Following each correspond README.md to properly config and use them in neovim if you interested

  • Read LSP how to build and use here
  • Read treesitter highlight how to build and use here

I at least can provide some pictures to prove it work:

  • In markdown file: Screenshot highlight markdown embed
  • In specific *.iig file extension: Screenshot highlight
  • In LSP auto format: InterinGo_LSP_formater